GSM2GO offers some so-called “Unlimited Plans” but we offer those plans with an FUP (Fair Use Policy).
Our Unlimited Plans are there for you to enjoy data roaming across the globe, worry free, alleviating “data anxity” concerns.
The purpose of this Fair Use Policy is to ensure that we are able to continue to offer anxiety-free plans and to achieve that, we need to prevent abuse or misuse of the service, even by those who have purchase an unlimited plan.
Our FUP applices to all our plans and most specifically – to our unlimited plans. If you purchase an unlimited plan, you agree to our fair use policy.
What do we consider reasonable use? Such that is extremely more than common usage patterns in our limited plans.
For example, if you stream Netflix for hours on end, every day, we recommend you do that over WiFi since otherwise, you may exceed our FUP limitation.
Same applies if you prodide a Hotpot to a computer that is busy downloaing 10 GB files every day.
What happens when we detect usage that we consider to be outside our fair use policy?
We will send you a text with a gentkle request to scale back your data use, and if the practice continues, we do reserve the right to suspend your eSIM service.
If we detect intentional extreme usage, we reserve the right to termiante service without notice.
We apprecaite your understanding.